Market Feasibility, Business Model Validation & Financial Modeling

upgrading the traditional asset management playbook to coworking asset strategy Embracing a New Mindset: The Evolution of Commercial Real Estate through Coworking Strategies

Integrating Coworking Business Model in New Real Estate Developments and Vacant Offices

Integrating a coworking business model is not only a strategic response to high vacancy levels in existing office buildings but also a forward-thinking approach for new developments. For developers, incorporating coworking spaces from the outset offers a versatile and appealing asset in today’s dynamic commercial real estate market. This approach caters to the evolving needs of modern workers and businesses, providing flexibility, community, and collaboration opportunities. By embedding coworking spaces in new developments, developers can attract a diverse tenant base, enhance property value, and ensure their projects are aligned with the future of work.

Featured Projects

Option A: Basic Feasibility Assessment with Standalone Coworking Pro Forma

In our foundational option, we develop a five-year Coworking Pro Forma, the cornerstone of your financial planning. This strategic financial projection is essential for detailed planning and securing potential investors, covering:

Membership Plans & Pricing

* Strategies for various membership options that balance competitive pricing with revenue maximization.

Space Allocation Model

* Efficient use of space to accommodate different coworking configurations, enhancing both member experience and financial performance.

Rent Roll / Revenue Snapshot

* Monthly anticipated revenue based on the efficient allocation of space and the strategic pricing of membership plans.

Estimated Operating Expenses

* Comprehensive forecasting of ongoing operational costs required to sustain the coworking environment.

Revenue psf (per square foot)

* Projected revenue calculated on a per-square-foot basis, providing a benchmark for evaluating the space’s profitability.

Break-Even Analysis

* A calculation of the threshold at which the coworking space will generate enough revenue to cover its expenses.

Occupancy Ramp-Up Plan

* A realistic timeline for achieving full occupancy.

Estimated CapEX & FF&E

* Initial and ongoing capital expenditures, including the costs for furnishing and equipping the space to meet the needs of members.

Option B: Comprehensive Feasibility & LOCAL Market Analysis

Including all the details of the Basic Feasibility Assessment, the Comprehensive Option also delves into deeper detail and local context, providing a market analysis and business model validation to ensure your venture’s success in the local area’s specific environment.

Comprehensive Market Analysis

* Identify and understand potential target audiences, tailoring services to their needs and preferences.

* Conduct a competitive analysis to benchmark against local competitors, highlighting opportunities for differentiation.

* Examine broader market trends, focusing on industry-specific shifts and the growing demand for certain coworking services or amenities.

Business Model Validation

* Evaluate the proposed venture’s alignment with current market needs and the potential for innovation within the coworking local scene and overall industry.

* Identify diverse revenue streams such as membership structures, event space rentals, and additional services that can enhance profitability.

Included Coworking Pro Forma

An independent five-year financial projection tailored to your unique space, including a detailed analysis of space utilization, projected rent roll, and operating costs, along with a 60-month occupancy ramp-up strategy.

Why a Coworking Pro Forma?

The pro forma is not just a financial document; it’s a blueprint for success. It provides clarity and confidence, enabling you to:

* Secure financing by demonstrating a well-thought-out financial future.

* Make informed operational decisions, from staffing to service offerings.

* Strategically navigate the market, ensuring longevity and growth.

Past Clients Include